As the new year starts it is a good time to take a look at what is currently for sale in the local real estate markets around Lake Powell.
On the Utah side, the towns include Big Water, Church Wells, Clark Bench and Paria.

Single Family Homes for Sale
We have 8 single family homes for sale ranging in price and location.
The least expensive home is in Clark Bench, sits on just under 5 acres of beautiful Southern Utah horse property and is an octagon home with 1100 square feet.
The most expensive home for sale is located on the mesa in Big Water overlooking Lake Powell. At 4100 square feet on 2.6 acres this home has many western flavored extras to go along with the stunning views. Major upgrades over the last several years make it a true dream.
Six of the 8 homes are located in the town of Big Water while the other 2 are in Clark Bench on acreage. The average price is $349,363 and the median price is $312,450.
The smallest amount of land with these homes is just over a half acre, while the largest amount is 12.5 acres. The average acreage for these homes is 3.72 and are zoned for horses.
Manufactured Homes For Sale
There are currently also 8 manufactured homes for sale in the same areas on the Utah side of Lake Powell. Two manufactured homes are currently pending sale and should be closed by the first part of March.
The least expensive home is located by Big Water School, needs a little TLC but is a large home on a double lot and the owners are willing to look at offers. Coming in at 2300 square feet the home has a 2 car attached garage as well as a grease pit. The most expensive manufactured home for sale is located in New Paria, bordered by the Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument, just under 3,000 square feet on 5 acres of pristine horse property.
The average price is $164,538 while the median price is $159,200. Six of the 8 homes are on acreage, with the average for all 8 being 2.15 acres.
More Information
If you would like further information on any of these Lake Powell area homes for sale, please feel free to call me. You can also use our search feature at the top of the page, and search all homes for sale in the Lake Powell area. Choose either the Arizona side including Page or the Utah side for the above mentioned homes.
The Lake Powell area was once again voted in the Top 3 Places to live by “Outdoor Magazine”. Come see for yourself what all the fuss is about!
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