It has been awhile since the last time we addressed the Lake Powell Pipeline issue. Things have heated up again in the last week or so not only with the pipeline but with a Utah/Nevada 50-50 split over Snake River Water.

A hot topic in Saint George, Utah, we hear very little about it in the Page Lake Powell area. Granted, it will create jobs, but what are the long term effects. Utah does not use their legal allotment of water from the Colorado River and this provides them a way to do so. Like Phoenix, however, is it good to see the kind of growth that may occur in the St. George, Southern Utah, area if the pipeline is approved??

  • Monday, January 5, 2010 ~ a standing room only crowed turned out at Dixie State College River Road campus lecture hall for a discussion between Washington County Conservancy District  and The Citizens for Dixie’s Future. While the Conservancy District feels the project is necessary, opponents state it is too costly and conservation should be the key.
  • Washington County Conservancy District Spokesman, Cory Cram, indicated that the preliminary pipeline studies are about done, and they expect to soon being the environmental impact studies.
  • The Lake Powell Pipeline project could be operational by 2020 if all goes without a hitch.
  • Main citizens concerns appear to be the cost which has dramatically increased since the projects inception in 1997.

On the issue of the Snake River

  • Concerns over a water sharing agreement between Nevada and Utah with the Snake River Water have put the deal on hold. While the agreement looked ready to go on Wednesday, concerns of a Salt Lake County council member and of the Salt Lake Mayor have now been give more consideration.  Part of what is being questioned is Nevada’s statement they may not try to pump the water until as late as 2050. Governor Herbert is still expected to sign the agreement.

Background On The Lake Powell Pipeline
asian dating profiles
Real Estate and the Lake Powell Pipeline Part 3
Real Estate and the Lake Powell Pipeline Part 4

Links For the Lake Powell Pipeline

State Department of Water Resources
Washington County Water Conservancy District
Citizens For Dixie’s Future

For Page Lake Powell Real Estate Information Contact Me by E-mail Or Call 928-691-6444



6 thoughts on “Update: Lake Powell Pipeline Debate

  1. Heather,

    I certainly hope calmer minds prevail on this issue. Just a suggestion, but a portion of this water could be returned to the aquafer rather than allowing exponential building.

  2. Gary, Agree. My hope is the citizens, who are expected to pay this more than $1 billion dollar price tag, get a chance to vote. If this goes through with just the water interests input, we have missed the boat on more than just water.

  3. It won’t happen if the Navajo Nation has any say. the State of New Mexico wants it’s fair share of water as well. communites in Farmington and Bloomfield want claims to lake powell water. they plan on building a 300 mile long pipe to powell. the san juan river is drying up due to there growth in that region . they must find alternative means of water. at least a hundred years worth. the only option is Lake Powell.and here the citizens of page are all paying the price for water. if your rates go up then there’s should to. it must take alot of water to water utah’s and Nevada’s golf courses and pools & spas. not to mention the state of California is also looking for other sources of water as well for southern Cal. they want and need to build a version of the CAP( Central Arizona Water Project)

  4. It all goes back to the Colorado River Compact in 1924(?) that divided the water up between the 7 states and then later the addition of the Country of Mexico. UT and NM have not ever taken their legal allotment of water that I am aware of.

    As a side note – most golf courses are watered with affluent water – reclaimed from the sewage systems.

    I really don’t know what the answers are. CA, and now AZ, have had tremendous growth and in years when there is plenty of water Lake Powell has released much more than the required 8.23 million acre feet. However, with a drought, that started in the early 90’s and is not yet over, the releases from Lake Powell have been kept to the Colorado River Compact agreement.

  5. Wow – I am indeed honored 🙂 Funny, not only am I a Realtor but a musician for the past 25 years (yes almost as long as Mr. Timberlake has been alive) so a most appropriate award!

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