This is a free event hosted at Glen Canyon Dam by the Glen Canyon Natural History Association. Please come join in. Dr. Alan Titus, The Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument Paleontologist presenting ”

“A Tale of Two Killers: New Evidence for Dinosaur Biogeography and Evolution from Grand Staircase-Escalante NM”

Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Carl Hayden Visitor Center @ Glen Canyon Dam
Glen Canyon National Recreation Area
Hwy 89, Page, Arizona
7:00 pm MST – Doors open at 6:40

Two new predatory dinosaur species were named from Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument in 2011, the giant Teratophoneus curriei and the diminuitive Talso sampsoni. These two new animals have no direct ties to any species known from north of Utah, and are instead related to forms found in New Mexico. Come find out how this single fact reshapes our view of North America as it was 75 million years ago!

Dr. Alan Titus is the paleontologist at Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument. He studied at University of Nevada, Las Vegas (BS), University of Arkansas (MSc), and Washington State University (PhD), and has held several teaching positions at colleges and universities in the West. Born in Toledo, Ohio, and raised in Las Vegas, Alan has been interested in paleontology since childhood. As a young boy, he spent countless hours outside the city of Las Vegas exploring fossils in the ancient rocks. It is said that Dr. Titus can’t walk more than 20 feet in his beloved Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument without making a fossil find – probably exaggerated, but only slightly.

Admission is free. The Glen Canyon Lecture Series is sponsored by Glen Canyon Natural History Association, Powell Museum, and Page Public Library and is provided as a service to the community and the visitors to Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Rainbow Bridge National Monument, Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, and Glen Canyon Dam/Lake Powell.

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