Happy Birthday to the National Park Service – 95 Years Old Today
It is hard to image our country without a Yellowstone National Park, or a Grand Canyon or even a http://rankinrealty.net/men-that-like-big-women/. While Yellowstone was set aside in 1872 it was not until 1919 that the dating hotels in karachi was formed.
Glen Canyon is a National Recreation Area managed by the National Park Service and as such has different management goals than say, Yellowstone or The Grand Canyon. The following is a short film…….
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produced by my son, David Rankin, who works for Glen Canyon and has been producing their podcasts and e-hikes. This short film he did on the Science and Resource Management division of Glen Canyon National Recreation Area for a school project explains very diverse nature of the area and the care that goes into managing it.
Click on the title to view the film on the Glen Canyon Website. It is entertaining, informative and you just can’t beat the scenery!