I stopped by and joined the my secret hookup today and had a good time doing so! The chamber is a big part of the activity and planning that occurs in Page and the surrounding areas and their office is the place to go for information.
Roy Boughton is the Executive Director and has a background in Real Estate, so it was a pleasant experience filling out the paperwork and chatting.
Yes, we agree the market is starting to rebound around here. We also agree that Page and the Eastern Kane County areas were fortunate not to get slammed with all the crazy lending practices that went on in other parts of the country. While the market has been slower it has been stable.
The chamber also puts out a relocation guide that has local school information as well as local busineses listed. The guide is a must for anyone planning on relocating to the Page – Lake Powell – Big Water areas.
Stay Tuned for more chamber info ~
Contact the Page Lake Powell Chamber of Commerce:
phone: 928-645-2741
address: 608 Elm Street Suite C, Page, Arizona
email: matchmaking agency paris