As we announce our new name and office location, we feel called to reflect on our journey so far...
Those who knew him know that at times, Sonny Rankin could be a bit of a know-it-all. It was also true, however, that he was long-suffering and patient. This was most definitely the case when it came to his fervent belief that his wife, Heather Rankin, should get her Real Estate license. Apart from the proficiency she had always shown with household finances, he saw in his wife a harmony of skill and intelligence with friendliness and warmth.
As their youngest child, Ashley, faced increasingly complex health struggles with an autoimmune disorder in her adolescence: Heather began homeschooling. She started to see that working in Real Estate might hold the potential of a career that her medically-complex child could come along with her on. (Yeah, yeah. Husband was right all along. Typical.)
Heather became a licensed Realtor in both Utah and Arizona in 2008 (although Sonny first mentioned it in 1990). She found herself doing something she truly loved, and excelled at. Heather kicked off 2013 as a licensed Broker in both states, and opened her new Brokerage “Rankin Realty at Lake Powell” in a lovely office at the Ranch House Plaza. As Ashley continued to heal from her health problems, she took over all of the graphic design and advertising for the Brokerage.
Days faded into years as they tend to do, with Heather and Ashley putting down deeper and deeper roots in the homeowner and business circles of Page and Kanab. Sonny lived long enough to see Ashley get both of her Real Estate licenses, just before he peacefully passed away in March of 2023 (although he first mentioned to Ashley that she should become a Realtor back in 2008).
Old wisdom says that if change comes knocking, you should open the door. And boy, did 2024 hear change pounding on Rankin Realty’s door. Real Estate Agents from other cities in the region began calling, asking us to bring our hometown brokerage dream to their communities, and a few more close-to-home agents shared with us that they plan to come on board too. We have been so grateful to welcome them all: they each bring unique personalities and talents to our wonderful clients.
While Lake Powell is where we came from, we soon realized that our name needed to also reflect where we’re going. And so, to honor all of our current and future Agents, as 2024 progresses…
You’ll notice that “Rankin Realty at Lake Powell” is becoming “Rankin Realty Southwest” :

The changes won’t stop there.
We will launch the this new Era of Rankin Realty by re-locating into a larger office space throughout the month of May, located conveniently just up the street from our existing Page, AZ Real Estate office. We are setting up in Suite A of the Warner-Gleave Insurance building, where Pioneer Title Agency used to be: 809 North Navajo Drive, Suite A, Page, AZ 86040
We want our community and clientele to know that even in the wake of growth and changes, we will always be your long-time local Brokerage based here in Page, Arizona. We’re still the familiar mother-daughter duo, and we’re still striving to offer professionalism (blue) with warmth (orange). The blue and orange won’t be going away, either. So come visit us this summer in our upgraded office spot, and get to know the ever-growing band of professional Real Estate Agents joining forces with us.
We offer our deepest thanks to all who have supported our journey, to whom we owe our success. Especially…
~All of the many clients who have placed their trust in us for their Real Estate needs and in doing so, have become our Friends
~Our beloved Husband & Father Sonny Rankin, for believing in us when we didn’t always believe in ourselves
~Our Colleagues at Rankin Realty
- Darryl Novotny (Our Page AZ Branch Manager) (Licensed in Utah and Arizona)
- Angeline Novotny (Arizona Realtor)
- Christina Lucero (Arizona Realtor, Office Assistant)
- Pushpa Caldwell (Associate Broker)
- Theresa Knight (Arizona Realtor)
- Allisa Reid (Arizona Realtor)
- Sally Quinn (Arizona Realtor)
- The 4 Up & Coming Agents who plan to join us (stay tuned!)
~Judy Franz & Crew at The Page and Lake Powell Chamber of Commerce
~Joe & Jordan Lapekas at Lake Powell Printing and Graphics
~Rebecca Aulston & Crew at Pioneer Title Agency
~Sylvia Johnson & Crew at Southern Utah Title
~Ronda and Arron Stump at Stump Enterprises (Ranch House Plaza)
~Ryan Warner at Warner Gleave Insurance

To another Lake Powell Summer and beyond,
From Rankin Realty Southwest~
Heather Rankin, Principal Broker, & Ashley Rankin Brunner, Realtor