This is a repost of Photos from last years 6th annual Page Lake Powell Hot Air Balloon Regatta. Clicking on the larger photos takes you to set of photos from the specific day.

The photos are in three sections: Friday, Saturday and The Balloon Glow Saturday Night

The first set of photos is from Saturday. Between the three sets there are over 75 photos. Click on the small photos to bring up the full sized version.

Click To Go To Saturday Balloon Photos dating asian apps

Saturday was a beautiful morning and I decided to shoot from the Lake Powell National Golf Course. There were plenty of folks there with the same idea this cool November morning. While watching the flights I chatted with folks from Tuba City Hospital, Flagstaff, Kanab and Phoenix.

Several of the pilots maneuvered their balloons over the ponds at the golf course which was quite the site as they then began to rise over the first set of buttes.

Hot Air Balloon Regatta Friday

Friday was overcast yet not very chilly for the last day of October. After the flights in the morning, the pilots and crews were treated to lunch on several houseboats provided by Antelope Pointe Marina.

Click To Go To Friday Balloon Photos

Saturday Night Balloon Glow

The synchronized lighting of the hot air balloons at night on Lake Powell Blvd is surreal. The Page Lake Powell Chamber of Commerce had a “vendor fair” with everything from food to t-shirts available in the Mesa Theater parking Lot.

Hot Air Balloon Glow

Additional Page Lake Powell Information

Page Lake Powell Chamber of Commerce
Antelope Point Marina
Page Lake Powell Tourism
Lake Powell National Golf Course



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